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篇名 混茶林業之可行性
卷期 27:3
並列篇名 Feasibility Study of Forest-tea Production System
作者 阮素芬陳右人
頁次 239-250
關鍵字 混茶林業茶樹產量品質光合作用遮陰forest-tea production systemtea bushyieldqualityphotosynthesisshading
出刊日期 201309


雖然目前之研究大多顯示,茶樹在長期一定程度林木遮陰下,產量會顯著較低,但是因 為茶樹具有耐陰之特性,同時遮陰後品質會顯著提高,因此應有可能在適度之林木與茶樹混植 下,獲得一定程度之經濟生產。本文先回顧混茶林業及林木遮陰下,茶樹之生長與生產反應,再 論述茶樹之光合作用特性,及其可能在混林狀態下之反應,評估混茶林業之可行性。


Research indicates that tea bush growth and yield are inferior under long-term forest heavy shading. However, evidence further shows that it’s possible to establish a forest-tea production system by quality improvement, because of shading tolerance characteristic. So, in proper shading, forest trees and tea bushes intercropping could make a forest-tea production system that might attain economic standard. This article has reviewed forest-tea production system and tea growth yield in response to shading of forest condition. Additionally, discussion of photosynthesis characteristics and estimation of the possibility of forest-tea production system in Taiwan are presented.
