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篇名 搖滾旋律音樂特性之研究
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 A Study on the Properties of Rock Melody
作者 范雪莉郭文貴
頁次 152-161
關鍵字 音樂節奏振幅搖滾樂musicrhythmamplituderock & roll
出刊日期 201106




The study is to investigate the actual music features, the way rock & roll characteristics of each category carefully study and use the music features of the instrument, as the characteristics of the experimental rock, jazz, objective point of view of the characteristics of the final experimental Results and data and composer or performer to compare ideas or situations, hoping degree of agreement and consistency, to apply in a public place, let's better with the designer to achieve the same essential idea, leaving the Things to be presented to the effect of extra points.
