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篇名 從舊戰爭到新戰爭:十四至十五世紀歐洲軍事競爭的轉型
卷期 106
並列篇名 From Old Wars to New Wars: Transformation of Military Competition from 14th to 15th-Century Europe
作者 郭盛哲
頁次 001-020
關鍵字 戰爭歐洲十四世紀十五世紀軍事轉型warsEurope14th-century15th-centurymilitarytransformation
出刊日期 201506




How European countries transformed from a rigid feudal and isolated system into a multi-national system with fierce competition and frequent wars? This article tries to examine the issue from four dimensions: art of war, i.e., technology, military organization, tactics of warfare, and system-level conflicts (including two parts: Europe vs. outside civilizations, and wars among European countries). Our findings show that, first, there was a major breakthrough in firearm’s design and manufacturing technology by applying gunpowder to the small firearm and artillery; second, mercenary troops were gradually replaced by state-owned professional army; third, tactics of warfare have been revolutionized by experimenting various types of gunpowder firearms; and finally, European countries’ military strength has been stimulated and then upgraded by the outside threats such as the Ottoman empire, and the wars among European countries also created the possibility to form alliances based on common interests despite how unstable and short-life these alliances appeared to be. All these factors contribute to create a unique European war-system with extreme complexities and intensive competition for the next several hundred years to come.
