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篇名 以結構式探究教學促進國小學生了解證據和從事論證之行動研究
卷期 375
並列篇名 An Action Research to Advance 4th Graders’ Understanding of Concept of Evidence and Abilities to Make Argumentation through Structured Inquiry Instruction
作者 董又愷林樹聲
頁次 002-019
關鍵字 行動研究結構式探究教學國小論證能力證據概念action researchargumentation abilityconcept of evidenceelementary schoolstructured inquiry instruction
出刊日期 201412




The study adopted action research approach to improve fourth graders’ understanding of concept of evidence and abilities to make argumentation through structured inquiry instruction. The researcher and three students involved in this study. The instructional units were “Transportation tools” and “Time measurement”. The period of teaching time lasted two months, two hours each week. Data collected included questionnaire about concept of evidence, argumentation skills questionnaire, learning sheets, semi-structured student interviews, teacher’s journals, and classroom observation and dialogues. The results showed that three students had great improvements in understanding the sources of evidence, the type of evidence, evaluating evidence, and formulating evidence-based argumentation. During the period of teaching, the problems the researcher faced included that the students did not know the collected data could serve as evidence to support conclusion. They were not able to judge the strength of evidence, and could not justify their arguments with appropriate evidence. Through reading papers, constant reflection, and discussing the instruction with the thesis advisor, the researcher further revised some of the teaching contents to enhance the students’ understanding of evidence, a claim, warrants and their relationships, and gave them more opportunities to formulate evidence and justify arguments with evidence. The implications were discussed with respect to the instruction and further studies in the future.
