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篇名 智慧型販賣機之服務設計-服務體驗工程方法之應用
卷期 3:2
並列篇名 Service Design for Intelligent Vending Machine – Application of Service Experience Engineering Methods
作者 彭康麟謝伊萍
頁次 255-270
關鍵字 服務科學服務設計服務體驗工程智慧型販賣機Service scienceService designService experience engineeringIntelligent vending machine
出刊日期 201409
DOI 10.6285/MIC.3(2).18


過去的人因工程與人機介面研究雖然能提供部份的人機互動解決方案,然而,強調 服務、工程、管理、設計跨領域共創價值的服務科學方法與服務設計則可使自動販賣機 具有突破性創新的轉型,成為具有人性的智慧型販賣機。透過服務體驗工程方法,本研 究完成了個案分析-智慧型販賣機之服務設計;同時展現服務科學、管理、工程與設計 (Service science, management, engineering and design; SSMED)之產學合作成效。本研究以 創新型智慧型販賣機為研究標的,實踐服務科學跨領域共構創新價值行的哲學,在使用 者為中心的服務設計中,透過對使用者的需求洞察,挖掘使用者未被滿足的隱藏需求, 進行連貫的服務設計,並激盪出個案公司創新服務發展的契機,以提升服務提供者與消 費者的共同價值。本研究依個案分析法實際進入場域研究進行分析,並採用服務體驗工 程方法為個案公司之智慧型販賣機進行終端消費者之服務體驗洞察與服務設計。研究結 果發現,18項消費者使用需求與4項管理需求之服務機能展開為智慧型販賣機的潛在需 求,整合服務流程設計與服務資源設計後,即可滿足個案公司整合技術供應端、服務營 運端與終端消費者需求的服務創新策略佈局,並塑造出個案公司智慧型販賣機之可持續 性競爭優勢。


Service science abbreviated from service, engineering, management and design (SSMED) is an interdisciplinary knowledge field for value co-creation among different entities. Based on the framework of SSMED, this research applied service design and design thinking to new generation of intelligent vending machine from users’ orientation to satisfy customers. Case study of T Company was conducted to find a solution for future intelligent vending machine that meets the real needs of users. Regression model and service experience engineering (SEE) methods were applied to verify the insight of user needs. Results showed that users’ insight needs have been explored through SEE methods to develop new intelligent vending machines. In conclusion, Service requirements inquiry helps service design of intelligent vending machine for users’ real needs. Value co-creation model among entities of T Company, users and researchers were fulfilled through the acting philosophy of SSMED. T Company is moving forward to new generations of vending machines according to the results of our research.

