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篇名 影響企業取得銀行融資成本之研究—以個案銀行為例
卷期 3:2
並列篇名 The Factors Affecting the Cost of Bank Financing- A Case Study of a Bank
作者 許培基湯麗芬葉健次
頁次 298-317
關鍵字 融資成本企業信用評等銀行往來關係集團企業financial costcorporate credit ratingbanking relationshipbusiness groups
出刊日期 201409
DOI 10.6285/MIC.3(2).21




The purpose of this study was to explore the corporate credit rating, banking relationship, business groups impact on bank lending pricing. In this study, the case bank in 2009 approved 733 corporate loan customers as the research object, the empirical results are as follows: 1. The better the credit rating of corporate customers, its financing costs will be lower. 2. The more long-term banking relationships, it will reduce the company's financing costs 3. Business groups will reduce the financing cost. 4. In addition to the financial information, the case bank will increase the company's loan interest rate according to their own professional judgement.

