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篇名 晨讀十分鐘對國小學童閱讀動機與閱讀行為影響之研究
卷期 3:2
並列篇名 A Research the Influence of Ten-minutes Reading in the Morning on Reading Motivation and Reading Behavior of the Primary Students
作者 于健高淑琴
頁次 387-400
關鍵字 晨讀十分鐘閱讀行為閱讀動機國小學童Ten-Minutes Reading in the MorningReading BehaviorReading MotivationPrimary School Students
出刊日期 201409
DOI 10.6285/MIC.3(2).27


本研究之目的在瞭解晨讀十分鐘對國小學童閱讀動機與閱讀行為之影響。 以雲林縣某國小四年級的兩個班級為研究對象,一班為實驗組(27 人),在早自修 時間進行晨讀十分鐘活動,另一班為控制組(28 人),在早自修時間進行導師時間 活動,實驗處理時間為每天早自修十分鐘,每週五天,為期十六週,總共 800 分鐘。 研究者以自編之「閱讀行為量表」與「閱讀動機量表」為研究對象進行前、後測, 並以量表前測分數為共變項,進行獨立樣本單因子共變數分析(ANCOVA),比較兩 組學生的閱讀動機與閱讀行為,研究者並自行設計「晨讀活動回饋單」,以瞭解學 童對晨讀十分鐘活動之看法。 研究結果得到主要結論如下: 1.晨讀十分鐘活動有助於提升國小四年級學童閱讀動機。 2.晨讀十分鐘活動對國小四年級學童閱讀行為之影響有顯著差異。 3.接受晨讀十分鐘活動之學童,其實際閱讀狀況有正向改變。


The purpose of this study was to understand the influence of ten-minutes reading in the morning for the primary students’ reading motivation and reading behavior. We studied between two independent classes of grade fourth primary students in Yunlin County, one class was to be the experimental group (27 students), to conduct activities of ten-minutes reading in the morning. The other class was to be the control group (28 students), in the early self-study time to proceed the tutor time activities. The processing time for the experimental ten minutes in the self-study time every morning, five days a week, for a period of sixteen weeks, a total of 800 minutes Researchers with "reading behavior scales" and "reading motivation scale" to proceed the pre-test and post-test for the students, the test scores before the scales as covariates, carry out an independent sample of one variable factor analysis (ANCOVA). Comparison of the two groups of students' reading motivation and reading behaviors, researchers designed the "feedback sheet of morning reading activities" in order to understand the views of ten-minutes reading for the students. The main research results are concluded as follows: 1. Ten-minutes reading in the morning can enhance the fourth graders’ reading motivation. 2. Ten-minutes reading in the morning positively affects the fourth graders’ reading behavior. 3. Ten-minutes reading in the morning increases students’ positively views of reading.

