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篇名 以自然永續理念探討蒲葵工藝應用於窗飾之初探研究
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 Based on the Natural Sustainable Concept to Discuss the Fan Palm Art about Primary Research of Applying to the Window Decoration
作者 周彥君林家華
頁次 099-107
關鍵字 自然永續設計蒲葵工藝窗飾natural sustainable designfan palm artwindow decoration
出刊日期 201504




The research is based on the natural sustainable concept to revitalize the declining fan palm art. In the early, fan palm product which can shield from the sun and dissipate heat is common. But, due to appearance of fan and air conditioner, cooling natural materials are abandoned. Insidiously, also ruining the environment and interrupted the kind relationship between people and nature. Therefore, to reach the concept of the green, revitalize and apply fam palm to the window decoration. And, adopt advise of window decoration sellers and designers to propose key points for future development.
