
行政暨政策學報 TSSCI

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篇名 Reflections on the research commercialization policy: Have Taiwanese university scientists shifted their interest from basic to applied research?
卷期 60
並列篇名 研發成果商業化政策的反思:台灣教授對於基礎研究的興趣是否產生移轉?
作者 黃婉玲
頁次 137-173
關鍵字 Research commercialization policybasic scientific researchapplied scientific researchshifts in research interestuniversity patenting研發成果商業化政策基礎科學研究應用科學研究研究興趣的移轉大學專利TSSCI
出刊日期 201506


本文旨在探討於研發成果商業化的政策系絡下,台灣大學教授的研究屬性, 是否有從基礎科學研究移轉至應用科學研究的現象。本文針對474 位台灣科學及 工程領域的大學教授進行問卷調查,調查樣本包含2005 年6 月至2010 年6 月間 曾申請過台灣專利,以及截至調查時間為止,從未申請過台灣專利的大學教授。 研究結果顯示,與其博士論文的研究屬性相較,大學教授目前所執行的研究計 畫,有較為偏向應用研究的趨勢;但此研究屬性的轉變幅度尚屬適度,並未全然 忽視基礎研究。此外,本研究亦發現,於科學技術基本法通過施行前即取得博士 學位及有業界工作經驗的大學教授,目前所執行之計畫較為偏向應用研究。


This study investigates the extent to which university scientists have shifted their interest from basic scientific research to application-oriented research within the context of research commercialization policies. Data employed in this study come from a 2013 national survey of 474 university scientists and engineers in Taiwan, including both respondents who filed a Taiwan patent between June 2005 and June 2010 and those who have never filed a Taiwan patent. Our analysis indicates that university scientists’ research tends to change to become more application-oriented, while the change in their research orientation is modest. It is also found that university scientists who received a Ph.D. degree prior to the adoption of research commercialization policies and those who have industry experience are likely to conduct research with a higher degree of application-orientation.
