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篇名 輸球也快樂?以情緒階段模式探討運動賽事享樂感
卷期 29
並列篇名 Why Do Sports Fans Enjoy a Losing Game? The Perspective of the Stage Model of Emotion
作者 羅婉婷陶振超
頁次 099-126
關鍵字 情感階段模式享樂感刺激轉移理論懸疑感目標輔助因應策略copying strategiesenjoymentexcitation transfer theorygoal conducivenessstage model of emotionsuspense
出刊日期 201507




Little is known about why and how sports fans enjoy a losing game. Current theories focus either on the result of a sports game (e.g., excitation transfer theory and suspense) or on individual difference (e.g., fanship or affective disposition). They ignore the role game processes played in the elicitation of enjoyment. Based on the stage model of affect and appraisal theory, this paper argues that goal conduciveness (gaining or losing scores during a sports game) and copying strategies (cognitive appraisal of the result of a sports game) may clarify the aforementioned issue. An experiment using baseball games showed that goal conduciveness surpassed the effect of losing a game and led to enjoyment. However, copying strategies failed to moderate the relationship between the result of a sports game and enjoyment. The stage model of affect is partially supported.
