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篇名 從放手到放心的想望—偏鄉家長參與學校課程事務的個案研究
卷期 31
並列篇名 A case study on parents’ participation in school curriculum affairs in remote towns – the yearning to transition from letting go and not intervening to feeling at ease
作者 陳聖謨簡至悅
頁次 033-062
關鍵字 家長參與學校教育親師合作parent participationschool educationparent-teacher collaboration
出刊日期 201506


儘管教育市場化的風潮已然成形,偏鄉地區受限於主客觀條件,家長 對於學校教育的供給似乎是無從挑選,甚至無力發聲。本研究以一所雲林 縣偏鄉學校為個案,聚焦於偏鄉學校家長面對學校主導課程規劃與實施的 態勢下,對學校課程事務品質有何聲音;又抱持什麼期待。主要採取半結 構訪談法,目的性取樣選取全校13 位家長,分次進行個別或團體訪談, 並輔以文件分析法進行資料蒐集。歸納研究結果,所得結論為:個案學校 家長大多致力於基本生計的維繫,滿足生活溫飽,打拼與打理家庭經濟是 心力投注的主要重心,也因此對子女的照顧以養為主,在育方面僅著重在 品格與行為的管教。學校的課程安排對家長而言是支配的關係,家長並沒 有具備參與學校教育事務的權利意識,遑論意圖對學校課程政策發揮影響 力。少數能夠發聲的家長也只是與學校存有熟稔關係,學校並不容易獲得 多數家長的課程品質回饋訊息。與其說偏鄉家長對學校課程抱持放任與放 手,毋寧說家長以順應自適,無所企求的態度,看待孩子在學校所接受的 教育。在直升機家長、怪獸家長幾乎絕跡的教育環境下,學校如何提供優 質的課程品質,贏得家長的放心,留下更多思索的空間。


One effect of the marketization trend of education is that parents have become “customers” of school education who are empowered to “vote with their feet” and select particular schools for their children. For parents in remote regions, however, this ability to “shop for schools” is significantly reduced, as the provision of school education is nearly without choice and monopolistic. This study focuses on these parents’ opinions regarding school curriculum quality under such a situation, as well as their expectations. This study focuses on a school in the remote region of Yunlin County. The primary method of this case study adapted semi-structured interview including individual and group interviews that were conducted with 13 parents schoolchildren in various settings. A document analysis method was also used to supplement data collection. Study results suggest the following conclusion: Parents in the case study primarily strive to maintain their basic livelihood and provide for their families, with working hard and managing their household economy at the center of their focus and efforts. As such, care for their children primarily focuses on nutrition, while efforts to nurture focus on the discipline of character and behavior. School curriculum planning is viewed as a dominating relation from the perspective of parents, whereby they are not aware of their rights to participate in school affairs, let alone believe they can influence school curriculum policy. Those few parents who voice their opinions already have a close relationship with the school, while it remains difficult for the school to obtain curriculum quality feedback on the curriculum from the majority of parents. Rather than asserting that parents in remote towns maintain a laissez-faire approach toward school curriculums, it could rather be viewed that these parents have adopted an attitude of non-expectation regarding their children’s school education. In an educational environment where “helicopter parents” and “monster parents” are almost extinct, there is room for schools to reflect and consider ways to provide premium curriculum quality to win the approval of all parents.
