
中外文學 THCI

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篇名 快樂的罪刑:陳映真救贖三部曲結構中的罪與聖
卷期 41:1=436
並列篇名 Happy Fault: Sin and the Sacred in Chen Ying-Zhen’s Salvation Fictions
作者 吳懷晨
頁次 087-136
關鍵字 陳映真救贖三部曲神聖快樂的罪行Chen Ying-Zhensalvationsinhappy faultthe sacredTHCI
出刊日期 201203




This article discusses Chen Ying-Zhen’s ideas of salvation in three of his works of fiction: “Brother He”, “Mountain Road”, and “Zhao Nan Dong.” First, it analyzes the common structure of these three fictions. Secondly, it investigates the writing strategy of Chen’s “sacrifice-canonization” logic, which unveils how he establishes “personality scale” for his protagonists. Thirdly, the case is made that each of these three works exhibit hidden secrets of Chen’s ideology, i.e. “Mountain Road” implies the absurdity of “happy fault (Felix culpa)” and Chen’s socialist ideology but in fact is merely a substitute for Christian Messiah historicism.
