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篇名 未來潛在歷史檔案與身心記憶結構之間
卷期 42:2=441
並列篇名 The Future Potential Ex-isting between Archives and the Mind-Body-Complex Structure
作者 陳玉雲
頁次 019-064
關鍵字 檔案記憶時間身心機制佛洛伊德精神分析archivememorytemporalitybody-mind-complex apparatusFreudian psychoanalysisTHCI
出刊日期 201306


歷史檔案對於人類現況與未來,有如記憶庫之於個別主體。每一 個歷史檔案既紀錄著過去事件,又靜待來者之取用,使之活現於當下。 同樣地,記憶亦仰賴記/憶起之動作,方使過去經驗體現於當下。取用 與記/憶起之中介(mediation)將歷史檔案與記憶從過去凝結之時間中 解放,與當下事件與經驗互動──相互對照、呼應、對話、辯證等,進 而帶出一可能未來。取用與記/憶起成為歷史檔案與記憶活現之鑰。取 用與記/憶起之關鍵為何?結構/組織化。不論是歷史檔案/群體或個 體,結構/組織化後必然造成內/外之分野:在歷史檔案/群體層次, 形成了我類/群vs. 非我類/群;在記憶/個體層次,則有(內)同於群 體vs. 異於(外在)我群之別。個體記憶與群體歷史檔案,既重疊又有差 異;個體在群體的位置,既內且外。因此,個體與群體之互動或反動, 驅使個體啟動記憶與歷史檔案跨時交流,形塑一時空分界挪移之可能。 個體記憶如何驅動個體與群體之互、反動?精神分析之記憶結構身心理 論點出了經驗之記/存過程與裝置有其決定性的影響。就此,本文試圖 從佛洛伊德於《失語症釋義》、《科學心理學大綱》、〈給弗立斯信件52〉、 《歇斯底里研究》以及《夢的解析》中所提出之身心記憶結構出發,分析經驗在結構化為記憶之過程中,內、外物質元素如何歷經層層轉寫,以及在轉寫過程中之質能變化如何構成日後個體召喚記憶之動能,驅動個體與群體互動或反動,帶出個體記憶與歷史檔案之跨時空交流,進而勾勒一可能願景。


As archives are to the continuation of human civilization, so is the memory database to the survival of an individual. Archives record the past events and wait to be retrieved. Likewise, individual memory relies upon being remembered. Retrieval or remembering enables archives or individual memory to be released from the past, come to being, and interact with the events or experiences at the present. Despite their structural similarity, the individual’s memory overlaps with the social memory, but not wholly. And it is this sense of not wholly overlapping that activates the individual’s interaction with or reaction against the community. In the course of interaction with or reaction against the community, the individual will retrieve personal memory and archival memory for comparison, coherence, dialogue or dialectics, with the result of a potentiality for de-limitation. What drives the individual’s interaction with and reaction against the community? Freud’s theorization of the psychical apparatus reveals that recording and processing the experience determine the later activities of the individual’s relation to the community. All these ideas, this paper argues, have been implied in Freud’s theory of memory in On Aphasia, “Project for a Scientific Psychology,” Letter to Fliess #52, Studies on Hysteria and Interpretation of Dreams. This paper goes on to analyze the potentiality lying in the process of transcribing and translating the external and internal excitations of an experience into a memory in the Freudian theory of memory.
