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篇名 嫌惡性設施的風險知覺
卷期 21:3
並列篇名 Risk Perception of NIMBY
作者 張寧黃崑峰
頁次 021-047
關鍵字 鄰避社會判斷理論風險溝通風險知覺NIMBYSocial Judgment Theoryrisk communicationrisk perception
出刊日期 201509


補償回饋是用以弭帄居民反對嫌惡性設施的主要方法,但仍難以確保衝突的 減少。本研究之目的即在藉由對利害關係人的認知分析,了解嫌惡性設施風險的 認知衝突來源。透過社會判斷理論(Social Judgment Theory, SJT)之架構,以火力 發電廠、核能發電廠,焚化爐和核廢料儲存場等四種設施為例,檢視政府官員、 環保團體、設施員工與當地民眾等利害關係人對於上開設施的風險知覺,以期發 現鄰避情結、補償回饋、溝通與設施種類對利害關係人風險認知的影響。研究成 果顯示,在火力發電場和焚化爐的案例,補償金越高、距離越遠、溝通的層次越 高,受測者對於設施的接受程度越高。而在核能發電廠和核廢料掩埋場的案例中, 距離與溝通層次對接受程度的影響,與對非核能設施相同,但補償金額提高,受 測者的接受程度卻反而降低。因此鄰避情結以及溝通的程度對所有種類的設施皆 有影響,而補償僅對非核能設施有效。


Government usually used compensation to dispel objection of residents for siting of NIMBY, but the conflict was not reduced. This study wants to understand the source of cognitive conflict about risk perception of NIMBY by the stakeholders’ cognitive analysis. It adopted Social Judgment Theory (SJT) to develop a SJT-Based questionnaire and use thermal power plant, nuclear power plant, incinerator, and radioactive waste repository as examples to investigate government officers, environmental groups, local residents, and staff of these facilities. The objective is to realize the impacts of NIMBY complex, compensation, communication, and distance on risk perception of NIMBY. The results show that the more willingly the respondents accept the setting of thermal power plant and incinerator as the more the compensation is, the farther the distance is, and the higher level the communication is. Yet for nuclear power plant and radioactive waste repository, increasing the amount of compensation decreases the willing of acceptance, even though the impacts of distance and communication are the same as the non-nuclear facilities. Therefore the NIMBY complex and communication influence the risk perception for both nuclear and non-nuclear facilities, but compensation works only in non-nuclear facilities.
