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篇名 E 民主時期社群媒體的公共溝通效能探析: 以2014 年台北市長選舉為例
卷期 21:3
並列篇名 A Study and Analysis of Public Communication on Social Media in E-Democracy Era: A Case Study of 2014 Taipei Mayoral Election
作者 汪子錫
頁次 097-119
關鍵字 E 民主社群媒體公共溝通台北市長選舉E-democracysocial mediapublic communicationTaipei Mayoral election
出刊日期 201509


2014 年11 月台灣九合一選舉,國民黨遭到嚴重挫敗,不但全國縣市長席次 大幅萎縮,具有傳統選民支持的台北市選區,也拱手讓人。國民黨檢討敗選原因, 歸咎於對手「網軍」抹黑所致。本研究由此探討網路社群的公共溝通性質,並分 析如何透過網路溝通形成社會公共價值觀念的凝聚。本研究以文獻分析法、網路 民族誌學,探討2014 年台北市長選舉主要競爭對手在網路戰場上的攻防表現, 以及網路溝通的的作為。本研究認為社群媒體採取全民直接監督的E 民主型式, 帶出政府公共行政「溝通效益」的新課題。憲政主義承諾應保障人民享有自由、 平等與社會正義,E 民主時期的政府公共溝通不應過份重視「網路媒體」,如何 實踐公共價值,才是政府公共溝通的關鍵。


The current ruling party KMT (Kuomintang) experienced substantial defeat in Taiwanese Nine-in-one Elections in November, 2014. Not only did KMT lose numerous seats of magistrate, but also handed over the mayoral position in Taipei City, the traditional stronghold of KMT. KMT believes the smear campaign from the opponent is one of the main reasons of the election defeat. This study analyzes public communication on social media and how it motivates the coherence of society through online communication. This study adopts document analysis and online ethnography to discuss the competition on the Internet between two major candidates in 2014 Taipei Mayoral Election, along with the behavior of online communication. This study believes that the social media realizes E-democracy, enabling public scrutiny and raising the question of communication efficiency between the government and the public. Constitutionalism promises that the people should enjoy freedom, equality, and social justice. The government in E-democracy era should not overly focus on social media. The realization of justice in the community is the key element in effective communication.
