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篇名 低能量紅光生物刺激結合中草藥續斷可有效促進類造骨細胞生長
卷期 46
並列篇名 Low-intensity red light photo-biostimulation combined with Chinese herbs Dipsaci Radix can effectively promote osteoblast-like cell growth
作者 林玴竹施科念賴哲民匡思聖黃文濤
頁次 019-026
關鍵字 紅光生物刺激續斷造骨細胞MG-63photo-biostimulationDipsaci Radixosteoblast-like cellsMG-63
出刊日期 201506


本實驗以紅色發光二極體所產生的低能量紅光為主要研究對象,並結合中草藥續斷在類造骨細胞 MG-63 上進行細胞存活率、造骨作用生化指標鹼性磷酸酶實驗分析(Alkaline Phosphatase Assay: ALP assay),探討結合刺激與單獨刺激的作用效應比較。研究結果顯示,單一低能量紅光刺激作用可使MG-63 細胞存活率上升,最佳組別的存活率與控制組相比為紅光生物刺激2.5 min (125.2%, p<0.05),而輔助結合刺 激效應的續斷亦可刺激細胞增殖,其最佳劑量均為50 μg/mL。 在結合實驗的提升存活率效果方面,本研究之最佳提升存活表現組合為紅光結合續斷(50 μg/mL)照射 5 min (增加34.97±5.78%, p≦0.001)最為顯著。在結合實驗中,提升ALP 鹼性磷酸酶的活性與時間之效果方 面,本研究最顯著的提升效應之時間與效果為紅光結合續斷作用24、48 與72 hr (14.83±1.53%, 6.05±0.95%, 5.13±2.14%)。 本研究證實,紅光結合中草藥續斷可使類造骨細胞MG-63 有比單一刺激有更顯著的骨細胞增殖現象 及ALP 活性上升之表現,而未來結合作用除了再針對造骨細胞的標誌進行研究外,利用此項研究結果,可 朝動物實驗上進行研究,在活體上利用結合刺激作用之效果,觀察骨折復原有無因結合作用而刺激加速癒 合的效應產生,最後期待此份研究成果能夠對臨床治療有所貢獻,讓骨折傷患加速脫離不便的生活品質。


It has been suggested that photo-biostimulation and Chinese herbal medicine can accelerate bone mineralization and regeneration. However, the effect of photo-biostimulation combined Chinese herbal medicine on the above description is unclear. The purpose of our research project was used photo-biostimulation combined Chinese herbal medicine Dipsaci Radix to assay the osteoblast’s activity. Our studies were to determine if combined treatments could have effects on cell viability and alkaline phosphatase activity in an osteoblast like cell line. A human osteoblastic cell line, MG-63, was analyzed in different concentrations (1, 20, 50, 100, 300 μg/mL) of this Chinese herbal medicine Dipsaci Radix and the best concentration on MG-63 cell viability were 50 μg/mL. Next, we cultured MG-63 cells in the optimal concentration of Dipsaci Radix and treated with different photo-biostimulation times (0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10 min). After incubation, cells were collected and analyzed their viability and ALP activity by MTT assay and ALP test kit. Results showed when Dipsaci Radix (50 μg/mL) combined photo-biostimulation could efficiently promote both the cell proliferation (154.58%)、ALP activity (107.14%) and accelerate bone mineralization of MG-63 cells. Therefore, we suggest that photo-biostimulation and low intensity ultrasound combined with two Chinese herbal medicines have synergistic effect on proliferation, ALP activity and mineralization of human osteoblastic cells (MG-63). We expect this research can offer more information for the medical circles to treat the bone healing.
