
東吳哲學學報 THCI

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篇名 從「物質性」槪念追問技術
卷期 32
並列篇名 The Question Concerning Technology through the Concept of “Materiality”
作者 張國賢
頁次 087-104
關鍵字 技術現象學物質性technologyphenomenologymaterialityTHCI
出刊日期 201508


胡塞爾發現的模糊本質領域具有特殊重要性,它從原本二元對立的形式 /質料模式跨出一步,找到一塊既非形式,又非質料的中間模糊地帶。德希達《幾何學起源導論》為我們指出物質性正是處於這個中間模糊地帶的東西。 換言之,物質性並不能等同於形式/質料模式當中,受到形式所強加的質料。 德希達這個重要貢獻使德勒茲與瓜達里可以進一步將物質性思考為質料流: 物質性是從形式/質料模式中解放出來的質料,它隨著事件(技術操作)的 發生而改變存在方式,因而可以說成是處於一種連續變異狀態的質料流,表 現出質料本身的生命。這使我們有可能區別出一種不同於海德格所批評的技術。


The importance of the vague essence discovered by Husserl consists in providing us out of the hylomorphic model a vague field which is neither of the form nor of the matter. In Edmund Husserl’s “Origin of Geometry”: An Introduction, Derrida indicates that the materiality belongs to this vague field. In other words, the materiality is not equal to the matter imposed by the form in the hylomorphic model. Derrida’s contribution inspires Deleuze and Guattari to considerate the materiality as a flow of matter: materiality is the matter liberated from the hylomorphic model, which changes its manner of being according to every event (technological operation) which happens to it. It is a flow of matter in continuous variation, expressing the life of the matter itself. It permits to conceive a sort of technology different from the technology that Heidegger critiques.
