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篇名 智慧財產權權利轉化趨勢觀察
卷期 27:4
並列篇名 Trend Observations of Transformation in Intellectual Property Rights
作者 陳怡婷
頁次 055-070
關鍵字 智慧財產權專利法著作權法研發成果轉化Intellectual propertypatent lawcopyright lawtransformation of researchdevelopment achievements
出刊日期 201504


國際間對於各項智慧財產權之法制體系因研發環境等之改變皆有重要變革趨勢。以專利權 為例,德國馬普學會創新及競爭研究所(Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition)於 2014年4月公布「TRIPS協議下專利權保護」報告指出之四個重要現況之一為專利權在公司管理 所扮演角色之轉變,驅使行使專利目的由「防禦權」(a right of defense)轉變為「排除權」(a right of exclude)外,並連動一連串美國立法針對不實施專利體(non-practicing entities)之規範。其次,近年 來為落實實際現況與法制結合環境之目的,除了專利權外,專利以外的其他授權模式或研發運用 之權利亦隨研發環境及政策法令而有所變革,例如著作權。係國際針對著作權發展以兼顧權利保 護與開放近用之趨勢,英國啟動著作權修正予以因應,惟我國研發成果規範適用著作權時常有窒 礙難行之情況,是以觀察國際智慧財產權相關法制整合運用與檢討為開端,進行比對相關變革之 於我國法制發展與實務情境分析,針對研發成果整合性運用在專利權、著作權上可參之國外機制 予以借鏡,並於後續研提我國研發成果法制規範之配套與建議。


The international legal system for the intellectual property rights has changed due to the alterations of the development environment. Take the development and implications of patent law for example. The Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition published a report, “Declaration on Patent Protection Regulatory Sovereignty under TRIPS," which indicates particular importance when it comes to accommodating the law to changed circumstances. One of the key premises is the role of patents in corporate management has changed. Patents are increasingly used as strategic assets to influence on the competition conditions rather than as a defensive means to protecting research and development outcomes. What matters is that the shift of the patent from a right of defense to a commercial tool affects the manner in which the right to exclude operates in practice. At the same time, there are a numbers of new legislations on patents dealing with non-practicing come into effect in the US. Furthermore, with the development on environment and policies, in the copyright, for example, the purpose of the United Kingdom to the copyright has amended in order to strike the balance between protection of rights and open access. However, in our case, the results of research and development are difficult to exercise in copyright. On that condition, the observations and comparison on transformation of the international intellectual property cannot be over emphasized, it could be utilized in pursuit of supporting research and proposing recommendations to the legal norms.
