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篇名 我國禮券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項之法制管理研析與建議
卷期 27:5
並列篇名 Legal Research on Statutory Governace of Mandatory and Prohibitory Provisions to Be Included in Standard Contracts for Gift Certificates
作者 賴怡君
頁次 031-057
關鍵字 預付型商品禮券禮物卡prepaid cardgift certificategift cardvoucher
出刊日期 201505


目前各主管機關以「商品別」區分公告之「商品(或服務)禮券定型化契約應記載及不得記 載事項」計有18種,具跨領域特性之網路平台網路商家發行不同種類之商品(服務)禮券時,必 須同時適用各該種類之「商品(服務)禮券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」,業界對於各行 業禮券都有定型化契約規範,產生適用上之困擾。 為保障消費者權益,本文以為整合禮券相關法規有其必要,因此本文將蒐集美國、加拿 大、歐盟、日本及中國大陸等世界主要國家或地區之禮券法制資料,進行分析與整理,並與 我國法制進行比較,規劃短中長期修法建議。


At present, based on the categories of service or goods, there are 18 Mandatory Provisions to be Included in and Prohibitory Provisions of Standard Form Contract for all sorts of gift certificates. Problems of application arise when a shop sells several kinds of service or goods. It is necessary that the gift certificates of the issuers if the related authorities could unify those 18 statutes for all kinds of services or goods. It would also facilitate the administrial inspect and check and consumer protection. This research will analysis and compare the gift certificates regulations in USA, Canada, Europe, Japan and China. Finally, the timeline for law-making process, including short term, midterm, and long term will be suggested in the research project.
