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篇名 羅徹斯特大學的「卡美洛計畫」
卷期 34:12=408
並列篇名 The Camelot Project at the University of Rochester
作者 盧帕克(Alan Lupack)著譚光磊譯
頁次 055-062
關鍵字 Arthurian literatureelectronic databaseKing ArthurAmerican Arthurian literature亞瑟王文學電子資料庫亞瑟王美國亞瑟王文學THCI
出刊日期 200605


本文敘述收存亞瑟王傳奇相關文本、圖像、訪談、書目和基本資料的電子資料庫之沿革、發展與內容。「卡美洛計畫」由羅徹斯特大學的羅賓斯圖書館主導,讓許多絕版或難尋的文本重現天日。本計畫重點之一是美國的亞瑟王文學。以亞瑟王為主題的美國作品為數眾多,但僅有少數廣泛流傳。雖然收進「卡美洛計畫」的文本較為次要,卻有助於從更宏觀的文學脈絡去瞭解吐溫(Mark Twain)的《亞瑟王宮廷的康州北佬》和丁尼生的《國王之歌》等經典作品。


“The Camelot Project at the University of Rochester” by Alan Lupack describes the history, development, and contents of the electronic database containing texts, images, interviews, bibliographies, and basic information relating to the Arthurian legends. Developed in the Robbins Library at the University of Rochester, The Camelot Project makes available numerous texts, many of which are out of print and not easily found even in libraries. One emphasis of the project is American Arthurian literature. Of the surprisingly large number of American works that treat the stories of King Arthur, relatively few are widely known or readily available. While many of the texts included in The Camelot Project are relatively minor, they help to put major works like Mark Twain’s Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court and Alfred Tennyson’s Idylls of the King into a larger literary context.
