
中外文學 THCI

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篇名 殖民地的隱喻:以佐藤春夫的台灣旅行書寫為中心
卷期 34:11=407
並列篇名 The Metaphor of the Colony: A Case Study of Satou Haruo’s Travel Writings in Taiwan
作者 邱雅芳
頁次 103-132
關鍵字 佐藤春夫森丑之助旅行書寫博物館學現代性殖民性Satou HaruoMori Ushinosuketravel writingsmuseologymodernitycolonialityTHCI
出刊日期 200604




Satou Haruo (1892-1964) was a leading writer who produced travel writings in Taiwan during the early 1920’s. Due to his high literary reputation in Tokyo, these writings set an initial model of writing about Taiwan, and thus stirred the colonial imagination of Japanese writers of his generation. The itinerary of Satou’s trip to Taiwan was arranged entirely by his friend, the anthropologist Mori Ushinosuke, who had worked at a natural museum in Taipei for years. Consequently, under Mori’s guidance, Satou’s travel experience in colonial Taiwan was inevitably tinged with the rich color of museology. Centered upon Satou’s experience in Taiwan, this article examines how Satou’s writings helped to form the Japanese imperial imagination of this island colony, which became a metaphor of coloniality and modernity in Japanese literature.
