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篇名 論東歐新馬克思主義的問題意識
卷期 39:3=454
並列篇名 On the Problematic Consciousness of East European Neo-Marxism
作者 衣俊卿
頁次 003-015
關鍵字 人道主義問題意識現代性HumanismProblematic ConsciousnessModernityA&HCI
出刊日期 201203




East European Neo-Marxism is an important part of the twentieth-century Neo-Marxism. As the international influence of East European Neo-Marxism is growing, an overall understanding of its theory is essential to studies in this field. The so-called overall understanding should no be limited to the surface of the theory. Rather than seeing it as a sort of positivist knowledge or instrumental theory, we have to delve into the critical field in reality opened up by this theory and reveal its historical features and critical understanding about social reality. Therefore, this article studies the Problematic of East European Neo-Marxism, as well as the three dimensions of its problematic consciousness, through the organic combination of the “logic in reality” and the “logic in theory” in wishes to put its basic theoretical features and value orientation in perspective.
