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篇名 從玉教神話觀看儒道思想的巫術根源
卷期 39:6=457
並列篇名 The Magical Roots of Confucianism and Taoism: From the Perspective of Jade Worship and Mythology
作者 葉舒憲
頁次 021-040
關鍵字 玉教神話儒道同源玉音聖人與聖物巫覡大傳統Jade Cult Myththe Same Root of Confucianism and TaoismVirtues of JadeShamanthe Great TraditionA&HCI
出刊日期 201206




This article explores the deep culture of Confucianism and Taoism thinking behind genes and prototype code from the emerging field of cultural anthropology--material culture study, according to a large number of jade ritual kind through those new archaeological excavations, and suggests that the jade religious belief and its mythological concept in China since prehistoric times to the civilization of the formation and development context, analysis and demonstration of traditional sage (the divine king) the relevance of the ancient Shaman tradition of common worship of Confucianism and Taoism, the origin of the three dynasties of Xia, Shang and Zhou Jade worship and the core of the ritual culture. In terms of Confucian thought, jade is compared to the virtue, and gentlemen must to wear jade objects. For the Taoist, jade is the origin of the concept of divinity and symbols of immortality. The Taoism jade eating practice could also be traced into prehistoric cultural roots of Jade faith. Traditional Confucianism and Taoism have in common is that both originated in the great tradition of the “shaman serve Gods by jade.”
