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篇名 佛教倫理(學)發展困境之解析
卷期 39:6=457
並列篇名 An Analysis for the Difficulty of Developing Buddhist Ethics
作者 姚富全
頁次 159-179
關鍵字 倫理道德大小乘佛教佛教倫理(學)MoralityHῑnāyana/Mahāyāna Buddhismand Buddhist EthicsA&HCI
出刊日期 201206


本文主要的目的是承接傅偉勳對佛教倫理發展的關切而 進一步探討佛教倫理(學)發展困境之問題。傅偉勳最早曾於1973 在其英文論文“Morality or Beyond: The Neo-Confucian Confrontation with Mahāyāna Buddhism”提出大乘佛教倫理發展的建言,其認為大 乘佛教學者須對當代社會的倫理道德問題有所關注並提出一套有系 統的論述。而後又於1989 在其中文論文〈從勝義諦到世俗諦──(大 乘)佛教倫理現代化重建課題試論〉再次提出建立現代化佛教倫理 的重要性和急切性。 然而,如此長久的呼籲在東西方雖有一些成果,但和佛學其它領 域相比實是顯得不足。況且,針對其急迫性之忽視而言,更是可能 有一些嚴重的後果。可惜的是雖然傅偉勳有指出發展方向,但是其 並沒嚐試分析佛教倫理(學)發展過程當中究竟有何困難或問題。 本文即是針對此一問題而試著提出分析原因並提出不同於傅偉勳的 為何發展現代化佛教倫理有其急迫性需要的理由。另外,亦會觸及 東西方佛教學者建構佛教倫理(學)的方向、內容及其問題。


This paper is to follow Charles Wei-Hsun Fu’s call for the development of Mahayana Buddhist ethics. Fu pointed out some problems with regards to the development of Mahāyāna Buddhist ethics and made some suggestions for it in 1973 (e.g., Buddhists should deal with contemporary ethical issues and proffer a systematic Buddhist ethics). Later in 1989, he said that it was urgent and important to construct Mahayana Buddhist ethics. However, although we have seen some progress for developing Buddhist ethics, the progress is inadequate compared to other areas of Buddhism. Furthermore, given the urgency and importance, this inadequateness will lead to some serious problems as Fu inferred. Although Fu raised the concern of developing Buddhist ethics, unfortunately he didn’t analyze why it was difficult to develop. This essay is to pick up what Fu left out (i.e., to analyze why) and to offer a reason why it is urgent and important to develop Buddhist ethics, which is different from Fu’s. Furthermore, we raise six possible problems (or challenges) that we may encounter when trying to construct Buddhist ethics.
