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篇名 十七、十八世紀中國天主教聖樂相關文獻初探
卷期 40:1=464
並列篇名 The Development of Sacred Music in China during the 17 th and 18th Centuries: A Preliminary Investigation through Early Missionary Documents
作者 洪力行
頁次 003-020
關鍵字 天主教聖樂禮儀音樂彌撒日課本地化Catholic sacred musicliturgical musicmassDivine OfficeinculturationA&HCI
出刊日期 201301


在整個西洋音樂史的發展之中,聖樂(sacred music)的地位相當重要,反映出宗教與音樂密不可分的關係,而在基督宗教中更是如此。明末清初之際,隨著大批傳教士東來,做為傳教工具的天主教禮儀音樂(liturgical music)也被引入中國,這亦是西樂東傳的一個重要階段。這些傳教士同時也攜來了西方重要的典籍,其中亦包括了舉行天主教禮儀(包括彌撒與日課經等)所需的相關書籍,並且著手翻譯這些經書。本文以天主教禮儀中所運用的禮儀音樂為研究起點,對於在中國的原始文獻加以解讀,同時與已知的早期中文聖樂作品加以印證,以探討西方聖樂進入中國的一個重要面向。


Sacred music is a key component for the development of the history of western music, and is inseparable from the religious activities that it serves, especially in the Catholic Church. During the late Ming and early Qing period, liturgical music, which functioned as one of the means of evangelization, was introduced to China with the growing number of European missionaries. Sacred music not only constitutes an important aspect of east-west cultural exchanges, but plays a critical role in the introduction of western music to the oriental world. With the missionaries, Catholic canons were transported to China, including Missals and Book of Hours that were used for liturgical service. In order that the local congregation could better understand the doctrines of their faith, they started the task of translating these liturgical books. This article aims to review first-hand materials about liturgical music used in Mass and Divine Office and to investigate its application in China.
