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篇名 論方東美的機體主義生命境界哲學
卷期 39:10=461
並列篇名 On Fang Dong-Mei’s Philosophy of the Organist State of Life
作者 孫業成
頁次 163-177
關鍵字 方東美機體主義境界乾元雙回向Fang DongmeiOrganismStateOriginality of QianDouble-back TrendA&HCI
出刊日期 201210




Fang Dongmei was a pantheist and the highlight of modern Neo-Confucianism. He developed the intellectual tradition, created the special from the common and made the unthinkable conceivable. Fang’s philosophy of organism absorbed and digested the old Chinese philosophical wisdom of the unity between heaven and man. His ontology about the dharma realm of the one reality integrated both western and Chinese metaphysical thoughts, while his theory of the “double-back trend” was rooted in Hua Yen Buddhism but manifested its truthfulness to the whole world of philosophy. Regarding Confucianism, Fang respected Mengzi without detracting Confucius. As a miniature of Chinese philosophy, Fang’s philosophy was based on life and aimed to achieve the immortality of the life in the reality.
