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篇名 柏拉圖的虔敬神學——以《遊敘弗倫》為論述中心
卷期 39:12=463
並列篇名 Plato’s Theology of Piety in the Euthyphro
作者 顧麗玲
頁次 147-161
關鍵字 柏拉圖虔敬神學普羅提諾奥古斯丁PlatopietytheologyPlotinusAugustineA&HCI
出刊日期 201212




Piety is the core idea of Plato’s theology. Euthyphro whose subject is piety reveals this thought in depth. For the influence of Sophists’ skepticism and relativism, the belief of gods in ancient Greek exposed gradually its inherent contradiction. This paper suggests: through the interpretations of three definitions of piety, Plato revealed the difficult problem of the ancient belief as mythological theology and its rationality as political theology. Then Plato suggested the piety as εἶδος in order to avoid the contradiction and achieved the turn of ancient belief from the rite belief of gods to the εἶδος of piety which connected with souls. The theological turn of Plato established the relationship between piety and the One, and had profound influence on Plotinus and Augustine.
