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篇名 先秦宗法社會結構下之命運觀
卷期 38:11=450
並列篇名 The View of Fate in the Pre-qin Patriarchal Society
作者 李新霖
頁次 005-021
關鍵字 命令命定命運宗法社會Ming MandatePre-determinationFatePatriarchal SocietyA&HCI
出刊日期 201111


中國言「命」之論,初盛於先秦。在「命」豐富意涵中, 相較於天命、性命諸義,命運義並非命論核心。然而在人們意識 中,始終存在著疑問:命運是否存在?如有命,其發展變化是必 然?抑或偶然?由何者主宰?是否可以預知?能否改變?人又應該 如何面對?不同時代的人自有不同思考。因此,本文試以先秦宗法 社會結構下之命運義為研究主題,探討在先秦特殊時空背景下,人 們如何感受命運的存在,以及如何面對。對現代人而言,或有足資 參考處。


The Chinese theories of “而 wg”(命,destiny) thrived firstly in the Pre-qin Period. Among the rich meanings of unlike the mandate of heaven and life, fate was not the center of these theories. Yet there have always been questions in people’s consciousness: Is there really fate? Is the evolution and transformation of fate inevitable or accidental, if it is there? Who dominates it? Is it predictable? Is it changeable? How should one face it? People from different times certainly have different thoughts about it. Therefore, here we try to focus on the meaning of fate in the patriarchal society of the Pre-qin Period to inquire how people felt about and faced it against the particular background of the Pre-qin Period, to which modern people may refer as guidance.
