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篇名 試析如何以奧斯定與多瑪斯哲學 進行「惡」課題的諮商
卷期 39:1=452
並列篇名 On How to Counsel on the Issue of “Evil” Through Augustine‟s and Aquinas‟s Philosophies
作者 尤淑如
頁次 087-108
關鍵字 奧斯定多瑪斯哲學諮商完善完全St. Augustine of HippoThomas AquinasPhilosophical CounselingEvilGoodPerfectCompleteA&HCI
出刊日期 201201


哲學諮商如何善用基督宗教哲學助人度過種種惡境?此為本文探究的主題。傳統基督宗教哲學中,奧斯定(St. Augustine of Hippo, 354-430)對「惡」的探討有其獨特之處,多瑪斯(Thomas Aquinas, 1225-1274)對教父哲學與中世紀基督宗教思想之系統性的綜合整理,更有助於吾人掌握基督宗教傳統關於「惡」課題的種種省思。哲學諮商在進行之前,應先明白諮商師如何理解「惡」,如此才能清楚地掌握「惡」課題的相關諮商實務。特別是當諮商員在進行基督宗教哲學的諮商實務時,更需要確切地掌握基督宗教對「惡」本質的看待方式,如此才能實踐符合基督宗教哲學之核心精神的諮商實務。本文參照輔仁大學哲學諮商團隊所建構的「哲學諮商實務之基本任務與技巧」,以此為架構來說明,奧斯定與多瑪斯的哲學如何能夠在理論與實務的方面協助當事人理解與檢視經驗中的「惡」課題,如何協助當事人進行「『惡』課題的哲思」?如何協助當事人以多瑪斯「自然善與神聖善」的主張來建構「自我完善」的信念系統。


The theme of this article is how philosophical counseling employs the philosophical statements of Christianity to help people survive all adversities. In traditional Christian philosophy, St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430) made his distinctive investigation about “evil,” while Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) systematically synthesized patristic philosophy and the medieval Christian thought in a way that could help one have a grasp of the reflections on the issue of “evil” in the Christian tradition. Before proceeding with philosophical counseling, one should understand what the counselor knows about “evil,” so one can clearly grasp the related practices in counseling on the issue of “evil.” It is even more necessary to understand how Christianity sees the essence of “evil,” particularly as the counselor is practicing Christian philosophical counseling, so the central spirit of Christian philosophy can be fulfilled. Referring to the “fundamental missions and skills of the practice of philosophical counseling” constructed by the team of philosophical counseling at Fu-jen University, it is explained here how to understand and examine the issue of “evil” in our experience through Augustine‟s and Aquinas‟s philosophies to help clients in both theoretical and pratical ways, how to “philosophize „evil‟,” and how to help the client build a “self-perfect” belief system by means of Aquinas‟s claim of “natural good and divine good.”
