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篇名 馬來西亞多元文化主義:官方與民間的話語
卷期 40:2=465
並列篇名 Multiculturalism in Malaysia: Government and Civil Discourse
作者 黃美冰
頁次 065-081
關鍵字 多元文化主義話語官方民間馬來西亞MulticulturalismDiscourseGovernmentCivilMalaysiaA&HCI
出刊日期 201302




What are the historical and theoretical backgrounds of Malaysian multiculturalism? As an “ism,” what are the characteristics of multiculturalism in Malaysia that played in official policy and civil agenda? What kind of gap lies in between the official(ideal) and the civil (practice)? What’s the paradox of multicultural itself, and in context? This paper intends to compare Malaysian official and civil policies, ideas and programs, focus on meanings generated, analyses the similarities and differences of discourses, as to explore the diversity shaped by multiculturalism due to officials and civil extents, rethinking the ideal and reality of multiculturalism in Malaysia. And thus, on this basis, analyses challenges and the future of multiculturalism as theory and reality in Malaysia.
