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篇名 Multi-Culturalism at the Fringe: Christianity and the Indigenous Communities in Malaysia
卷期 40:2=465
並列篇名 處在多元文化主義的邊緣: 馬來西亞土著群體與基督教
作者 黃子堅李錦興
頁次 083-109
關鍵字 ChristianityIndigenous communitiesOrang AsliKadazandusunidentity基督教原住民卡達山杜順認同A&HCI
出刊日期 201302




The indigenous communities in Malaysia are found in both East and West Malaysia. In West Malaysia, they are represented by the Orang Asli Community who are a very small community, found mainly in the highlands of the country. In contrast, indigenous people form the majority of the population in the East Malaysian state of Sabah. However, when set against the main population set up of the country, namely, the Malays, Chinese and Indians, these indigenous communities seemed to be given less importance. Hence in the discourse on multiculturalism, much of the concern was on the equilibrium of the three major ethnic groups. But this process has largely ignored very significant communities in the country. The communities generally ignored in this discourse are the Orang Asli and, to an extent, the other indigenous tribes in Sabah and Sarawak. These indigenous communities have their distinctive beliefs and way of life. Over the years however, they were also susceptible to external influences including the Christian religion. This paper looks into the interaction of the indigenous community in their interaction with Christianity as a way to demonstrate another dimension of multiculturalism in Malaysia. It focuses on the experience of the Orang Asli in Peninsula Malaysia and the indigenous people in Sabah.
