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篇名 日本戰時下的國家主義與反國家主義——以田邊元與南原繁為中心
卷期 40:2=465
並列篇名 Nationalism and Anti-nationalism in Wartime Japan: Two Case Studies of Tanabe Hajime and Nanbara Shigeru
作者 廖欽彬
頁次 143-156
關鍵字 近代京都學派無教會「種的論理」「神國」國家主義反國家主義modern timesmodernizationmodernitythe Kyoto schoolNonchurch movementthe Logic of Speciesthe City of Godnationalismanti-nationalismA&HCI
出刊日期 201302


日本進入明治維新以來,從西洋文化的吸收、融會貫通, 到反省,透露出自身在「近代」化與脫離「近代」過程中的奮鬥軌 跡。京都學派哲學家田邊元(Tanabe Hajime, 1885-1962)與無教會 基督徒南原繁(Nanbara Shigeru, 1889-1972)在戰時下( 1930-45) 所呈現出的思想活動,可說是其軌跡中的縮影。本文試圖從「宗教、 國家與哲學」三個觀點,來闡明田邊元的「種的論理」與南原繁的 「神國」政治理論,並藉此探討何以兩者的哲學形成日本戰時下的 國家主義與反國家主義之立場。本文首先論究「種的論理」的形成 背景、基礎結構、問題點及其所顯示出的國家主義立場。接著,究 明南原繁的「近代」觀與納粹批判。之後,透過分析南原的「神國」 政治理論與田邊哲學批判,來突顯南原的反國家主義立場。最後, 思考日本近代哲學為現代吾人的「近代」研究能提供何種思想資源。


Since the Meiji Restoration, Japan had confronted and assimilated Western culture. In the course of rapid cultural absorption and radical reflection, Japan carved out her paths of struggles in the process of modernization and rose to world power status. What epitomized such paths of struggles in wartime Japan (1930-45) were the thinking activities of the Kyoto School philosopher Tanabe Hajime (1885-1962) and the Nonchurch Christian Nanbara Shigeru (1889-1972). This paper attempts to expound Tanabe’s Logic of Species and Nanbara’s political theory of ‘the City of God’ from the perspectives of religion, nation, and philosophy, investigating why their philosophies constitute the political positions of nationalism and anti-nationalism in wartime Japan. First, this paper examines the political context, basic structure, critical issues, and the nationalistic position that Tanabe’s Logic of Species implies. Second, this paper clarifies Nanbara’s ‘modern’ view and his Nazi critique. Third, through my analysis of Nanbara’s political theory of ‘the City of God’ and his critique on Tanabe’s Logic of Species, this paper aims to highlight Nanbara’s anti-nationalistic stance. Last, this paper investigates what kinds of thinking resources Japan modern philosophy can provide for our research on modernization.
