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篇名 形上學的下墜:想像與視覺的 虛擬性所形構的形上意涵
卷期 40:7=470
並列篇名 The Decline of Metaphysics: The Metaphysical Meaning Made by the Imaginary and the Visual Virtuality
作者 楊婉儀
頁次 165-180
關鍵字 形上學視覺想像超越尼采MetaphysicsVisualImaginationTranscendenceNietzscheA&HCI
出刊日期 201307


傳統哲學中的超越價值存在於形上界域,此遠離現實(le réel)的價值是為真理,形上學的特性因而顯現為:遠離世界的超越價值對於現實世界的支配。在此形上傳統之下生存的「人」,是在超越的高度之下仰望著不可觸及的真理的此在;在承受生命和形上真理那不可化約的距離的同時,企圖以語言猜解存在之謎。即便生命背反於形上真理,即便人無法把握永恆的存在,但仰視高空的驚嘆聲,仍揭示人類嚮往超越的天性。在尼采宣告上帝已死之後,也宣告了形上價值與存在的脫鉤,對於歷經價值與存在決裂卻仍有著嚮往形上價值天性的「人」來說,如何面對自身追求超越的天性呢?又該如何詮釋擺脫了「存在」的形上意涵呢?本文除了嘗試以視覺的虛擬性與主體的想像所形構的形上意涵回應上述問題之外,也試圖說明視覺的虛擬性所構建的形上意涵,如何以網路虛擬世界的型態顯示在我們的時代中。並藉著上述的說明,進一步探討網路虛擬世界所展示的形上性是否可能將人類的帶離傳統世界的古遠,而為人類生命開展出新的可能性?


The transcendental value in the traditional philosophy relies on the metaphysical sphere, which departs from the value of the real and takes it as truth. The metaphysical feature emerges as thus: the domination of the metaphysical value away from the world imposed on the real world. The “Man” in the metaphysical sense suggests the unachievable truth of Dasein from transcendental highness. The “Man” attempts to unearth the mystery of Being by language while bearing the irreducible distance between life and metaphysical truth. Despite life that acts against the metaphysical truth, despite the man that cannot grasp the eternal, the awe of looking upward at the highness of the sky still reveals the transcendental nature of man. After Nietzsche announced the death of God, he announced the disconnection between metaphysical value and Being as well. For the “Man” who experiences the disconnection between value and Being and yet who achieves the metaphysical nature, how would he face the self and aspires after the transcendental nature? How would he interpret the metaphysical meaning out of “Being”? The paper seeks to explain the metaphysical meaning constructed by the visual virtuality on the one hand, and attempts to illuminate how this metaphysical meaning can shed light on our age of the Internet virtual world on the other hand. The above explanation furthers to explore whether the metaphysical essence revealed by the virtual world can have a new possibility of life for bringing the men away from the traditional ancient world.
