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篇名 從當代儒佛辯諍談中國哲學研究視野
卷期 40:8=471
並列篇名 On the Vision of the Study of Chinese Philosophy from the Perspective of the Contemporary Argument between Confucianism and Buddhism
作者 杜保瑞
頁次 097-114
關鍵字 儒佛辯諍梁漱溟熊十力馮友蘭方東美唐君毅牟宗三勞思光Argument between Confucianism and BuddhismLiang Shu-mingXung Shi-liFeng You-lanThomé H. FangTang Jun-yi Mou ZongsanLao Sze-kwangA&HCI
出刊日期 201308




Here we approach how the contemporary circle of Chinese philosophy deals with the argument between Confucianism and Buddhism, showing the contemporary scene of this issue through the opinions of twenty contemporary Chinese philosophers. Liang Shu-ming juxtaposed Confucianism and Buddhism; Xung Shi-li gave up Confucianism for Buddhism; Feng You-lan interpreted both Confucianism and Buddhism; Thomé H. Fang celebrated both Confucianism and Buddhism; Tang Jun-yi put Confucianism before Buddhism; Mou Zongsan praised Confucianism and suppressed Buddhism; and Lao Sze-kwang judged both Confucianism and Buddhism. Basically, due to its particular world view and concept of karma, Buddhism can’t be discussed in relation to Confucianism on equal basis. The conclusion of praising Confucianism and suppressing Buddhism is inevitable if the particular cosmology of Buddhism is not respected. In view of these seven great contemporary philosophers, the more we understand the Buddhist world view, the more we would respect the function and value of Buddhism. On the other hand, if the Buddhism world view is not understood, one would judge Buddhism even more from the Confucian standpoint. In the writer’s opinion, there is no argument between Confucianism and Buddhism, and the best approach is through mutual understanding and appreciation.
