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篇名 性別正義最低限度的責任
卷期 40:9=472
並列篇名 A Minimalist Duty for Gender Justice
作者 陸品妃
頁次 169-181
關鍵字 性別正義羅爾斯公民權女性主義責任民主Gender JusticeJohn RawlsCitizenshipFeminismDutyDemocracyA&HCI
出刊日期 201309


為了達成多元民主社會對於性別正義的要求,我認為每位公民可以而且應該接受一項政治責任,即尊重彼此自由又平等。公民尊重彼此為自由又平等是羅爾斯(John Rawls)著名正義理論之基石,不過其與性別正義的正向關連,尚未被正確地理解,抑或得到充分解說。本文於是以羅爾斯政治自由主義的理論架構為論理背景,依循漢普頓(Jean Hampton)女性主義契約論訂定正義的人際關係之批判性敦促為前提,試圖藉由三項論證:羅爾斯式政治概念想法之重構、政治與個人責任之整合、以及最基本起碼論之訴求,闡述在多元民主社會達成女人應享的實質平等,即性別正義之實現,怎樣關鍵性地取決於公民遵守尊重彼此自由又平等責任,是為此謂,最低限度的性別正義責任。


I uphold that, for meeting the demand for gender justice in a pluralist democracy, there is a political duty every citizen can and should accept. This duty, of each person respecting all citizens as free and equal, is famously endorsed in Rawls’ theory, but has not been correctly understood or sufficiently demonstrated in its positive connection to gender justice. Thus, aided primarily by the theoretical framework of Rawls’ political liberalism and the critical urging of Jean Hampton’s feminist contractarianism for contracting just relationships, I herein intend to describe how the achievement of women’s substantive equality, a realization of gender justice, in a pluralistic democracy is crucially dependent on citizens following the duty through three arguments: a reconstruction of the Rawlsian conception of the political, an amalgamation of the political and the personal duty, and an appeal to minimalism.
