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篇名 從中西思想談人與自然的和諧之道
卷期 41:7=482
並列篇名 On the Harmony between Human Beings and Nature in the Light of Chinese and Western Thoughts
作者 潘小慧
頁次 023-036
關鍵字 自然人與自然和諧生態哲學環境哲學中西思想Human BeingNatureHuman Beings and NatureHarmonyEcological PhilosophyEnvironmental PhilosophyChinese and Western ThoughtA&HCI
出刊日期 201407




Human beings are indeed ontologically rather than ethically or valuably superior to other non-human creatures. In other words, the interests of human beings should not be prior to all the other ethical considerations even though they are the only subjects in terms of ethics and values. Instead, it is fair to say that men should, as ethical beings, be held responsible for the ecological crisis and therefore must re-consider how to adjust themselves and get along with nature. The main point of this article is to seek the spiritual resources suitable for the sustainable development of ecology among Chinese and Western thoughts, such as Confucianism and Christianity, in wishes to build a paradigm of ecologically harmonious society and reach the harmony between human beings and nature.
