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篇名 莊子音樂論之後世影響——以宋代陳暘《樂書》及朝鮮雅樂討論為例
卷期 41:8=483
並列篇名 Zhuangzi’s Influence on Musical Discourse in East Asia
作者 朴素晶
頁次 159-173
關鍵字 莊子儒家音樂論雅樂天籟樂出虛咸池嵇康陳暘朝鮮雅樂ZhuangziXianchi musicConfucianismMusical thoughtYayue Tianlai Song DynastyJoseon DynastyA&HCI
出刊日期 201408




Zhuangzian musical thought has been rarely discussed in history of musical thought, while Confucian musical discourse such as Sage originated music, Musical evaluation or hierarchy, and Musical edification, has been enjoying legitimacy. However, Zhuangzian musical thought has played a profound role in later periods, not only for some critical thinkers’ works but also for state attempts to reconstruct court music in East Asia. In this paper, by taking instances respectively from Song dynasty in China and Joseon dynasty in Korea, I will examine how Zhuangzian criticism influenced and transformed Confucian musical discourse. On the one hand, Zhuangzian idea allowed later scholars to supplement and thereby enhance Confucian musical theory. On the other hand, the idea inspired them to explore new musical ideas away from orthodox Confucian basis.
