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篇名 康德倫理學中兩性關係再思考
卷期 41:7=482
並列篇名 On Sex and Marriage in Kant’s Ethics
作者 王福玲
頁次 169-182
關鍵字 婚姻啟蒙道德性SexMarriageChristian, EnlightenmentMoralityA&HCI
出刊日期 201407




Kant’s attitude on sex and marriage is the last point which scholars will to justify. He regards sexual desire as the instinctive impulse of animals, and put forwards that any sexual behaviors must destroy the individual’s personal dignity. Marriage is the only legal form for sexual activity. These arguments arouse dislikes by many enlightened person. In fact, such a negative standpoint is deeply resulted from the culture of western society at that time, as well as Kant’s own principle about the superiority of reason. However, as the representative of Enlightenment, Kant breaks through the limitation of his era, and shows some positive enlightened thoughts. Beyond the negative arguments on the surface, we can find that, in Kant’s philosophy, human sexual desire implies much more meaning of morality and civility, and plays an important role in the history of humankind. The real meaning for marriage is to make sexual desire develop towards morality and civilization. Marriage is a moral community, with the purpose to make men much more perfect and moralized.
