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篇名 雨果:從「桂冠詩人」到共和國的代言人 ——一個19世紀法國公共知識份子的思想軌跡
卷期 42:2=489
並列篇名 Victor Hugo: From a “Poet Laureate” to the “Father of the Republic” —The Ideological Trajectory of a French Public Intellectual of the Nineteenth Century
作者 車琳
頁次 007-022
關鍵字 雨果公共知識份子人道主義浪漫主義法國文學Victor HugoPublic IntellectualHumanitarismRomanticismFrench LiteratureA&HCI
出刊日期 201502




Victor Hugo is a writer of his time who embodied the consciousness of the 19th century in France. In a politically turbulent time, he successively played the roles of “poet laureate,” leader of romanticism, exiled writer, prophet, “father of the republic,” etc. He pursued justice and progress in his life and in his works. Hugo combined the intellectual, moral and social dimensions in his role of a true public intellectual. This article will review the career of this great writer who participated actively in the public-affairs discourse of society, and examine the course of his thought development through the studies conducted by some scholars, such as Edward Said and Michel Foucault, on the relationship between intellectuals and power.
