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篇名 郎尼根的認知理論與依納爵式意識省察
卷期 41:9=484
並列篇名 Bernard Lonergan’s Cognitional Theory and Ignatian Examen of Consciousness
作者 黃錦文
頁次 059-076
關鍵字 意識省察神操認知理論超驗法超驗規格神學知識論方法論辨別神類Examen of ConsciousnessSpiritual ExercisesCognitional TheoryTranscendental MethodTranscendental PreceptsTheological EpistemologyMethodologyDiscernment of SpiritsA&HCI
出刊日期 201409




There is a form of prayers called the “examen of consciousness” practiced by members of the Society of Jesus twice daily. The prayer aims at unfolding the nature and meanings of sense data in our consciousness, tracing their sources, and, hence, discerning the spirits working in our consciousness. Upon careful examination, it is found that the prayer is proceeding in exactly the same way and according to the same transcendental precepts as described in Bernard Lonergan’s cognitional theory, namely, experiencing, understanding, judging, and deciding. The four transcendental precepts are: be attentive to experiences, be intelligent in understanding, be reasonable in judging, and be responsible in deciding. This essay aims at unfolding the cognitional operations presupposed in the examen of consciousness. Accordingly, I will try to prove that Lonergan’s cognitional theory can be used as the theological epistemology and methodology for the examen of consciousness.
