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篇名 歌德的憂鬱:世界文學與文學普世性的反思
卷期 41:11=486
並列篇名 Melancholia goetheana: Some Reflections about Universal Literature and World-literature
作者 薛佛(Jean-Marie Schaeffer)著林志明
頁次 023-038
關鍵字 歌德比較文學世界文學普世文學GoetheComparative LiteratureWorld Literature Universal Literature A&HCI
出刊日期 201411




Since some decades the goethean question of Weltliteratur is again on the agenda of literary studies and especially comparative literature. But the historical, geo-political and economical contexts of today have apparently nothing in common with the European context characterizing the turn of the XVIIIth to the XIXth century. We are living in a post-colonial, multicultural, politically multi-centered and economically globalized context which seems very different from the « eurocentric » view of the goethean world. So most of contemporary reflections about Universal Literature are polemical. I would like to say some words in defense of the goethean notion of Weltliteratur as well as of its romantic cousin of Universalliteratur: I shall foreground their cosmopolitical and anthropological components and try to show that they were much less naïve than we believe them to have been.
