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篇名 明清之際耶儒「靈魂觀」的遭遇:以黃宗羲的《破邪論.魂魄》為例
卷期 41:12=487
並列篇名 Confucian Hun Po Encounters Christian Soul: To Take Huang Zongxi’s Po Xie Lun-Hun po As an Example
作者 王定安
頁次 121-138
關鍵字 靈魂魂魄黃宗羲利瑪竇SoulHun PoHuang ZongxiMatteo RicciA&HCI
出刊日期 201412




Huang Zongxi’s Po Xie Lun-Hun po seems not very logical. However, by comparing idea of Confucian Hun Po with Christian soul, this paper tries to display Huang Zongxi’s problem awareness and basic idea. On one hand, from the perspective of historical context of Comfucius idology, the author finds that Huang Zongxi broke through Zhu Xi’s “old Confucius opinion”. On the other hand, by comparing Huang’s view with Matteo Ricci’s view on soul in Tian Zhu Shi Yi, the author finds there are links in terms of problem awareness, writing and way of thinking. The autor tries to argue that Huang Zongxi gave new interpretation on Hun Po because of fusion of horizons consist of Confucian Hun Po and Christian soul.
