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篇名 再識王國維:新詩形而上寫作的旗幟
卷期 41:11=486
並列篇名 Wang Guowei: the Banner of the Philosophical Spirit of China’s New Poetry
作者 雷文學
頁次 149-162
關鍵字 王國維新詩形而上旗幟Wang GuoweiChina’s New PoetryMetaphysicBannerA&HCI
出刊日期 201411




Wang Guowei’s poetic ideas break the traditional “Heaven” idea of China and hold that poetry’s essence is telling the truth. This truth is not a social truth but a metaphysical truth. China’s New Poetry abandons the traditional artistic conception in development process. Its mainstream is the metaphysical spirit of the western philosophical. This spirit was advocated by Wang Guowei. Although Wang Guowei’s poetic thoughts had been produced before China’s New Poetry came into being, but they were an expression of modern spirit and should belong to the broad poetry. Although the philosophical spirit of New Poetry was also explored by Huang Zunxian and Lu Xun, but Wang Guowei’s exploration was the earliest and the most mature. Because of the sharp and the purely metaphysical quality of Wang Guowei’s poetics concept, so far few people pay attention to it. But he has become the spirit banner of the metaphysical writing of China’s New Poetry.
