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篇名 從「臨界效應」看中國哲學的現代價值
卷期 42:3=490
並列篇名 On the Modern Value of Chinese Philosophy from the Perspective of Critical Effects
作者 王前
頁次 005-018
關鍵字 臨界效應中國哲學解釋學現代價值Critical EffectsChinese PhilosophyHermeneuticsModern ValueA&HCI
出刊日期 201503




The economic, social and cultural development in the globalized world is showing and has shown some sort of critical effects. At this particular moment, Chinese philosophy is to display a particular modern value with its ideas on a holistic view on the organic relationships among things, intuitive experience of humans’ practices and the organic and ethical awareness on individual and collective relationships. The exposure of modern value of Chinese philosophy needs the resolution of corresponding methodological problems. Some of the spiritual resources of traditional Chinese should be reflected and sublated. It needs to borrow something from hermeneutics to broaden its research horizon, to get a transformation in form and rereading in content before it could take a modern shape. The interpretation of its modern value will deepen the reflection over the study approach of Chinese philosophy, improve the exchange between Chinese and Western philosophy and enhance the impact of Chinese philosophy.
