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篇名 心靜氣理.道乃可止——論《管子》四篇的心、氣、道
卷期 42:6=493
並列篇名 When Mind is Tranquil and Qi is Regulated, Dao can be Retained—The Study on Mind, Qi and Dao in the “Four Chapters” of the Guanzi
作者 周貞余
頁次 071-089
關鍵字 生命療癒MindQiDaoLife HealingA&HCI
出刊日期 201506




Guanzi can be regarded as the masterpiece of Jixia Academy and Huang-Lao Daoism, among which, the first and second part of Xinshu (Mental Techniques), Baixin (Clear M^^d) and N^i^ye (Internal Work) are the most well-known in academic circles. As implied by the name, it can be clearly known the meanings of each chapter from their names. Mental Techniques refers to the function and status of mind; Clear Mind implies the cleanness and purification of one’s mind; Internal Work is the methods and skills of cultivating one’s mind. To sum up, they mainly depict the cultivation skills of “mind.” Although the four chapters focus on “mind,” “dao” is their main thought, and “jingqi” usually serves as the presentation of “dao” on human bodies in body discourses. “When mind is tranquil and qi is regulated, dao can be retained.” The sentence illustrates the interrelationship among “mind,” “qi” and “dao” and points out the state of life. When one enters the homeland of “dao,” his life has been healed well. Philosophical counseling attempts to solve problems in people’s life. The thesis will discuss the meanings of “mind,” “qi” and “dao” in that order and the inner connection of the three.
