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篇名 現代家庭文化及其社會保障機制研究
卷期 42:6=493
並列篇名 Modern Family Culture and Its Social Security System
作者 黎志敏
頁次 155-167
關鍵字 家庭文化現代傳統平等社會保障Family CultureModernTraditionEqualitySocial SecurityA&HCI
出刊日期 201506




In traditional China, the family is regarded as the very foundational unit of the nation. In the modern era, the individual takes the place of the family. However, the family is still playing some irreplaceable roles in the fields such as bearing and breeding children, education and giving assistance to family members. Modern China has reformed traditional family ethics of chaxu (order difference) with the application of equality and freedom in accordance of the demand of modern culture. Yet the society has not yet provided enough support to individual families, so that many problems have occurred, which is hindering the development of modern Chinese family culture. In order cope with all the problems, the government should take the leading role in building up a social security system to secure modern family culture, while the society should also take part in the project by all means.
