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篇名 宗教與希望:當代政治神學的末世論詮釋
卷期 42:5=492
並列篇名 Religion and Hope: Eschatological Interpretations in Contemporary Political Theology
作者 歐陽謙
頁次 161-178
關鍵字 政治神學希望神學末世論詮釋實踐優先社會正義上帝之國Political TheologyTheology of HopeEschatological InterpretationPractical PrioritySocial JusticeKingdom of GodA&HCI
出刊日期 201505




“Where is God?” This is fundamental faith question that Christian theology had to answer it in today. Could Christian theologian defend God in the face of Christian skepticism and mankind’s holocaust? In some sense, political theologies of Jurgen Moltmann and J.B.Metz open justly a road for us toward the kingdom of God. According to them, Bible is the root of Christian faith, eschatology is the kernel of Christian faith, justice is the practice of Christian faith. In order to resolve the faith crisis of theology of transcendence and theology of immanence, we must revive theology of future, and release the revolutionary strength in Christian faith by promise of God and hope of mankind. In their eschatological interpretation of political theology, hope is the essence of Christian faith, and the force of social progress. This article tries to show that theology of hope of J. Moltmann and J.B.Metz reveal not only the eschatological meaning, and also strengthen the appeal of justice in Christian faith. Theology of hope could build the natural connect between Christianity and political struggles, and indicate a spiritual force of mankind’s liberation.
