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篇名 莊子旅遊哲學新探
卷期 42:4=491
並列篇名 A New Research of Chuang Tzu’ Philosophy of Travel—Combine Theory with Practice
作者 許雅喬
頁次 169-186
關鍵字 莊子旅遊哲學旅遊Chuang Tzu’ Philosophy of TravelTravelTaoA&HCI
出刊日期 201504




Travel becomes one of the most important enterprises for economical development in Taiwan. It not only promotes the development of other enterprises but also enhances the image of our country if our travel enterprise is prosperous enough. So how to make the travel enterprise more prosperous and grow up constantly are the main issues for the one who concerns about the development of our country. Scholars and experts from different fields all want to find out some ways to deal with this problem. If we want to solve it basically and make it perfect then fishing in troubled waters is totally in vain. So we have to use the stand point of philosophy otherwise we just cannot see the wood for the trees. We all know that Chuang Tzu’ philosophy is profound and exquisite. It has a great impact on many fields. Researches and papers discussing his influence upon life, education, politics, life and death for education and culture are countless. Unfortunately, upon travel is very rare. According to my observation and study Chuang Tzu’ philosophy for so many years I find that his philosophy also has a great influence upon travel. Travel enterprise might yield some fruitful enlightenment from it. And as stated, travel is a powerful soft-power and it is generally regarded as one of the most important enterprises in Taiwan. So this study attempts to shed some light on Chuang Tzu’ philosophy of travel and tries to crystallize it into the travel enterprise. In short, I want to combine his philosophy of travel with travel enterprise. I really think that if it can carry out smoothly then there should be a great help both to the traveler and the travel enterprise as well as the literary circle.
