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篇名 反諷的哲學涵義的流變
卷期 42:5=492
並列篇名 The Evolvement of Irony’s Philosophical Implications
作者 趙佳
頁次 179-197
關鍵字 反諷和哲學蘇格拉底反諷德國浪漫主義反諷後現代反諷Irony and PhilosophySocratic IronyRomantic IronyPostmodern IronyA&HCI
出刊日期 201505




This paper aims to rationalize several critical periods during the forming process of irony’s philosophical implications, namely Socratic irony, romantic irony and postmodern irony. Each period endowed with irony different conceptual implications. This work is to answer what are the major ideological problems facing each historical period, how this kind of problems switch to its corresponding ironic utterances and how the seriousness of these problems is alleviated. The evolvement of irony’s philosophical implications is analyzed from three aspects: its essential issues, ironic utterance and its solution. People’s understanding of irony is determined by the social and historical conditions of each period. From this perspective, irony is not only a way of speaking, or some philosophical thoughts, but also an indicator of certain society and history.
