
公共行政學報(政大) CSSCITSSCI

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篇名 台灣技職教育政策變遷因素之探討:漸進轉型觀點
卷期 48
並列篇名 The Factors Causing Policy Change in Taiwan’s Technological and Vocational Education: Perspective of Gradual Transformation
作者 陳恆鈞許曼慧
頁次 001-042
關鍵字 技職教育政策變遷反應類型漸進轉型政策系絡technological and vocational educationpolicy changereactive typegradual transformationpolicy contextTSSCI
出刊日期 201503




The main purpose of this article is to apply the perspective of gradual transformation to analyze the influential context of changing technological and vocational education (TVE) policy. The sixty-year-plus history of the development of TVE is based on the theory of gradual transformation theory; consequently, a complicated causal relationship of policy change can be clearly analyzed. This article seeks to explore the main factors for TVE policy change and the causal associations between these factors and the changes implemented in the TVE policy. Besides, this article adopts both a quantitative and qualitative method, and the findings indicate that the type of policy changes includes: displacement, layering, drift and conversion. The key factors which influenced the transformation of the TVE policies are affected by the four factors in turn, including political, economic, cultural, and societal factors. Among these factors, the most important factor is the societal factor, and the least important is the political factor. Additionally, an association exists between these four factors and the changes made to the TVE policy.
